Works: Everything
Known issues:
- Restart after first boot
- If you want to disable Mass-Storage - delete this line from build.prop: persist.sys.usb.config=mass_storage,adb and restart
Installing OTA updates:
- Copy the archive with the necessary OTA update on the SD-card
- Reboot into CWM (Custom Recovery)
- Make a Wipe cache, Wipe dalvik cache. (Wipe data / factory reset do not need)
- Install the OTA update by selecting Install zip from SDcard
- Reboot.
NOTE: OTA update does not contain all system files as a full ROM. It contain only those files that have been changed from the last ROM update. Do not install OTA update if you do not have MIUIv4 already installed. Do not install OTA update for unsupported MIUIv4 version. For example: OTA 2.5.18 to 2.5.25 English version can be installed only on MIUIv4 2.5.18 English version. If you install this OTA update for Multi-Lang version you will loose all languages except English and Chinese. Also note that the OTA update does not replace build.prop and you will still see in "About my phone" section the old version of the ROM, but nevertheless, all the components will be upgraded to a newer version.
NOTE: Be carefully when installing supercharged script - there may be an issue with phone doesn't charge after install.
NOTE: Be carefully when installing supercharged script with enabled ZRAM - it can conflict with each other. Night-Elf kernel RC3+ doesn't have this issue.
Addons for MIUIv4:
- If you use .72 Baseband (from .431 FW) Don't forget to update BB and xLoud libs from here
Short FAQ:
Q: - I've installed MIUI over .431 FW and found many SE apps, and I can't delete it. What can I do to remove it from phone?
A: - FW 431 use /system/vendor folder to mount new partition, It doesn't wipes from CWM
How to fix:
- Install Android terminal emulator.
- type "su" in it and press return
- in SU prompt hit yes
- Then enter: "mount -o remount -o rw /system/vendor" and press return
(If doesn't show after your command than all if fine. If something shown then start from SU)
- Then enter: "cd /system/vendor" and press return
- Then enter: "mv app app1" and press return
(If doesn't show after your command than all if fine. If something shown then start from SU)
- Reboot your phone
MIUI4 2.6.29
based on SE ICS Release .431
based on SE ICS Release .431
OTA:UPDATE 2.6.22 TO 2.6.29
KERNEL; Flash any ics kernel
any help need plz contact me on facebook
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how to install this rom for xperia neo v.plz help me to explain through installation steps
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